User Guide


This is a chat-bot called Duke for tracking the user’s tasks.

Type of tasks

There are three types of task.

Basic Features

Feature 1 - Adding a task


Allows the user to add a task into the list.

keyword [task type]

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

Feature 2 - Deleting a task


Allows the user to delete a task in the list. Requires a valid index number of the task.

keyword delete [index]

Example of usage:

delete 2 (delete the second task in the list)

Expected outcome:

Feature 3 - Mark a task as done

Allows the user to mark a task in the list as done. Requires a valid index number of the task.

keyword done [index]

Example of usage:

done 1 (Mark the first task as done in the list)

Expected outcome:

Feature 4 - Print the existing list of task

Allows the user to print the list of task.

keyword list

Example of usage:

list (Print the list of tasks)

Expected outcome:

Feature 5 - Find the task using a keyword

Allows the user find the list of task containing the keyword.

keyword find [keyword]

Example of usage:

find book (Print a list of task containing the word “book”)

Expected outcome

Feature 6 - Statistic

Allows the user see the summary of the tasks in the list. Calculate the total number of tasks by each type.

keyword statistic

Example of usage:

statistic (Print summary of the tasks)

Expected outcome:

Feature 7 - Save and exit

Allows the user to save the list of task to a file.

keyword bye

Example of usage:

bye (Save the list of task to a file)

Expected outcome:


JavaFX Tutorials by Jeffry Lum